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Monday, December 26, 2011

Santa Came to Marin's House

Although we have had a cold bug going around our house, we still managed to have a wonderful Christmas day. Sorry for all the pictures.....

Checking out everything that Santa brought her for her very 1st Christmas. 

The toddler crayons and coloring books were the first to get her attention. 

We had a bit of a rough night with coughing and colds but she still managed some
energy to open presents. :o) 

Her first Doctor's Kit. 

She loves medicine bottles and thermometer, so Santa thought a Doctor's kit would be fun! 

The crossed legs are just too cute. 

A new bug puzzle!

Little People Airplane
Love the "bed" head...even though it was more like "sleep on Mommy's shoulder while she rocked me
ALL night long" head. 

A Doodle pad for the little writer/artist. 
An egg color/shape matching game. A big hit because not only can she take it in and out of the container but
she can break the eggs apart as well. 
This was Burke's idea of a picture of me and Marin together. It just makes me laugh.
Although he did manage to get one of us together, after the long night we had,
this is actually the best picture of us together. :o)
And a trip to Dr. Daddy!
All better now!
(Of course, I think this is the most adorable picture.) 

We did take her to the doctor today just to make sure the cough wasn't anything worse than a cold. Everything sounds good and she is actually feeling much better! Yay! But we have all of our Christmas decorations already down and we are ready to put up the balloons and birthday banner! Can't believe our little girl is turing ONE!


Sarah said...

She could not possibly be any more adorable. I want to squeeze her! Looks like she had a great first Christmas. Feels like a little glimpse into what our Christmas may look like next year!

Betsy@Living in the Moment said...

Don't EVER apologize for posting too many pitures!! I love every single one. The bed head, the crossing legs :) i just love it all. Thank you!!!