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Friday, February 15, 2013

End of January....

So we have been doing a lot of traveling lately but here are a few pictures from the end of January of these sweet girls of ours! 
Hollis loves the sensory table. She does put everything in her mouth. 

Lima beans but suppose to be "snow" in a winter-ish sensory table. 

Reading her letters at the back of Chicka Chicka Boom Boom.
She is so funny with this magnifying glass. 

And if Marin does it, you better believe that Hollis has to have a turn. :o) 

Hollis LOVES climbing the stairs outside our door. I remember when Marin loved doing this.
Some of cold winter days, she gets to climb the stairs while Marin naps. 

We were/are having some night sleep problems with Marin so we tried converting her crib to a toddler bed to see if it helped. It has helped. Still having problems but it is better with the toddler bed. But as you can see, Hollis is a big fan of the toddler bed. 

Hollis got some new toddler markers as an early birthday present from our friend Lillian.

She was pretty excited to be at the "big girl" table to use them. 

Loved it.
Then she ate them. :o)
Love those chubby little arms!

Climbing the slide....another favorite.
Loves to climb these days. 

Playing grocery store with Dad.

Love this girl. 

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