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Saturday, June 22, 2013

Puddle Jumpers and Rainbows

So Marin and Hollis have some floaty things called Puddle Jumpers. Some say they aren't good for them to wear in the water because it can delay learning how to swim. Others say they are the best floaties to use because it positions them in the water to "swim". Our little swim teacher thinks they are good to help them. Marin wouldn't wear hers for the longest time but once she did....she loved it!! She quickly figured out she could 'swim' by herself. So she will jump in and swim to one of us shouting "coming! I'm coming" the whole way. Precious. The girl really is a fish. Hollis as always liked her floaties. She will kick her feet occasionally and move but for the most part she likes to float, drink the pool water, and watch the crowds. :o)

100 0112 from Stacey Brednich on Vimeo.

And Marin got a little obsessed with the rainbow at the end of her Noah's Ark library book. The video got cut off but she turns every single page saying "Rainbow, where are you rainbow? "

MVI 5468 from Stacey Brednich on Vimeo.

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