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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Chicago Children's Museum

We were able to get the library pass to the Children's Museum this past week and decided to take the Beluga to see what they had there. My in-laws went during their 4th of July visit but we didn't want to pay especially if Marin was too young for the activities there. But with the pass we were able to go and check things out for free just for the future. We had so much FUN! It is a a great museum and in just about every exhibit there was a special place just for babies and toddlers. Marin had a blast and crawled around and played until she was absolutely exhausted.

The Waterworks area....the kids got to wear raincoats and play in the water. 

This was the baby area in the Tree House. 

They had containers filled with beads and other fun sparkly things for her to shake. I think I will have to copy that idea.  

I thought this was so cute.
They had lizards and frogs in the "stream" and the kids used fish nets to catch them. 

In the canoe.....

This was the city exhibit. It was adorable. They had a CTA bus, a carwash, and a grocery store! 

Playing with the tires in the Baby Lot.

Crawl, crawl, crawl....

The carwash and the gas station....

Burke and Marin on the CTA bus. I love how she looks at him! So cute!

She loved catching the dancing butterflies on the screen. She cried when we put her in the stroller. 

This was a room specifically for babies and toddlers. Marin LOVED it. She played with everything. And I
am definitely going to have to steal some ideas from this room. 

Climb up and shake those bells!

She loved everything she could pull up on and mirrors  made it even more fun!

Burke had a good time too. 

Playing with some bugs now.....

We tried to keep her passy in her mouth so she wouldn't put all the toys in her mouth. But she snuck one of the rocks was just too smooth and hard.
And....SHE GOT HER FIRST TOOTH TODAY!!! (Another post to come.....)

Don't worry we gave the rock to the "teacher" so she could clean it for the other kids. 

It was a really good rock. 

She played with these straw place mats forever!?!? 

And it wasn't long before the cutie was asleep. She is little but the girl plays so very hard! 
Burke and I were very impressed and were thinking we may get a membership once our kiddos are a little older. This would be a great winter thing to do when we can't get outside.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Ok, so we're going to have to come visit and go to the museum! That looks like so much fun! Who knew how involved the littlest ones could get! Love it.