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Thursday, August 11, 2011

Pinky the Dog

So we ran into Tuesday Morning the other day so I could look for some stacking cups for Marin. We didn't find any cups but we did find a white stuffed animal dog with pink ears. For whatever reason, Marin loved it. So as we walked around the store, Marin held it in the cart with her. Every once and while Burke would make it "bark" and Marin would just laugh, laugh, laugh.

We were getting ready to leave and this is the conversation we had....

Burke: "Should we get this dog for Marin?"
Stacey: "She has a lot of stuff animals already that she doesn't play maybe not."
Burke:  He held up Pinky the Dog and heard Marin's BIG LAUGH and said "We are getting it."

Yep, she has him wrapped around her finger. :o) But I will say, she loves that dog. She will laugh every time we pull it out. Then she will drag it around the carpet all the time. So very funny.

Here is a little video of her love for Pinky the Dog.

Pinky the Dog from Stacey Brednich on Vimeo.

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