My sweet friend Heather brought her adorable son to visit me again this past weekend. I love when Heather and Liam visit. Liam is getting so big and so independent. His favorite word is "no" but when he says "Stacey", my heart melts. I love you, sweet boy. (And Heather, you're alright too.)
We had some crepes at Flip Happy. So goooood! Liam got pretty annoyed with me and all the pictures I wanted to take. His frustration got pretty humorous and entertaining though.

He's such a good little walker! He'll say "up, up" when he wants down. He says it when it wants up too. He says it when he wants out, under, across, beneath....

There were swings and slides and clowns at Zilker Park. But running back and forth under the bridge was the best of them all.

On the train at Zilker Park...I mean, seriously, he is precious.
Ready to ride the choo choo train!
The typical picture of Liam and I. Except usually, he is actually pushing my face away. Yes, kids love me.

Smith Elementary School Fall Festival. Liam won a ball at the duck game.
Liam, I love, love, love you.
And, Heather, we didn't get one picture together. Well, I guess it's official.
I love your kids more.
Can't wait to meet Audrey! Come on baby girl!