Ok, I have a lot of things I want to accomplish this 2013. I figured 12 months, surely I can get it done. So....
1. Lose 30 lbs. Yes, 30 lbs. I need to get rid of this two babies in two years weight. So, we are starting Weight Watchers and have found a really good app on the iPad. The app is Nike Trainer. It has several different types of workouts (30 or 45 minutes long) and on all different levels. They are hard and I am usually sore for a couple of days afterward. But then again, I am really out of shape. So, here I go....little by little...one day at a time.....30 pounds.
2. Meal Planning/Grocery Shopping: I have to figure out a way to meal plan and grocery shop. It seems like our bill gets higher and higher every month and I just feel scattered and crazy around dinner time. I subscribe to Emeals, use Pinterest, and shop sales but it can get overwhelming. Trying to eat healthy on your own is hard but then planning and feeding a family is really, really hard. So, surely in 12 months, I can get some kind of system down that won't cost a fortune or make me fatter.
3. Handprint Prayer Cards: I saw this idea on Pinterest and thought it was sweet. I traced the girls' handprints and then chose a verse to pray for them for the year. Loved it. Hopefully, I can keep it up each year and when they leave us, they can take "handfuls" of prayers with them. Grandparents, you will be getting a handprint prayer card as well to pray for the girlies. :o)
For Marin, I chose 1 John 4:7. She is becoming more and more aware of friends and loves play dates. So, our prayer for her is that she continues to learn how to love her little friends (and to share....). :o) For Hollis, I chose Psalm 118:24. She got this verse for 2 reasons....first she is the happiest baby ever and I want her to keep her same joyful personality. And second, she is going to be a year old in just a few weeks. So I want to remember to take each day and "rejoice" in her sweetness because it is happening all too fast! |
3. Pinterest: This is a fun one for me. I love Pinterest and get tons of ideas from there. I want to try a new idea once a week so that I actually use the ideas I find.
4. Birthday Cards: I want to really try and have the girls "make" and send birthday cards to friends and family. I am TERRIBLE at birthdays but we live in such a technological world that I want Marin and Hollis to know what fun a good old fashioned, snail mail card can be to give. (Sadly, this will probably be the hardest one for me to keep up with....)
5. Camera: I want to learn how to use my camera. I found a blog with a great tutorial and homework assignments that help you learn your camera. So...I've done lesson one already.....
7. Read: Now that our babies are a little older and our life seems to have a bit more rhythm and consistency, I want to be a better reader. For the past 2 years, if I picked up a book, I usually fell asleep. :o)
8. Important papers files: I MUST organize all of our important papers (birth certificates, insurance papers, passports, SS cards, etc.). Right now, it is a mess and needs some help.
Alright, 8 things, 12 months. Here I go.....