Well, it has been a CRAZY few weeks. We are officially in our new house. But our Chicago moving company has yet to bring us our furniture. Apparently they just left Chicago yesterday so they should be arriving between "Saturday and Tuesday"...gee, thanks. We did steal some family furniture from my mom's house when we were in the process of moving over here. We're pretty glad we did because we at least have a bed to sleep on now. While the house is pretty empty we have started painting and other odds and ends projects. It's actually been pretty fun....well, except for the part where Hollis got the paint can and poured the whole thing out on herself and the carpet. Carpet cleaning will be next on the things to do list. :o)
So here are some random pictures....
First, we were in Alabama for a few days in between homes and Marin had a full blown, level 5 meltdown over this little pink wagon. She was TIRED and didn't really understand everything that was happening in her world. But her Maye Maye got it for her (of course) and oh my, did she love that wagon. My mother lives out in the COOOUUUNNNTRY...like horses and cows country....and Marin pulled that wagon all over the yard exploring and getting rocks and "powers" (flowers). LOVED that wagon.
Arranging the flowers she gathered in a vase. |
Hollis played with the little red wagon. Although, she got frustrated with it easily and would just carry it around. :) |
Getting ready for their adventure. |
Hollis is ready to go. |
Marin leading the way.
Uh oh, this is why Hollis carries her wagon. |
Hilarious. |
My mother is probably going to kill me for posting this picture. But it CRACKS ME up.
She had been working like crazy helping us out....I mean like CRAZY. So thankful and I know she was exhausted.
But she took a much needed break and Hollis felt like she needed to join her. The bag of chips helped a little.
My nephew Drew looked over and said, "Maye Maye, you look like Uncle Si with your gallon of sweet tea supervising everyone. " hahahahahaha! Made me laugh so hard. Btw, we stole both of those rocking chairs. |
Family time.
Everyone on the ipad. :o) |
And now on to Texas life....
We have met most of our neighbors and they are so very nice. We have lots of little ones in our neighborhood and even a few babysitters. YIPPEE!!! But we are loving it here.
We went to a few yard sales to find some cheap-o dishes/cookware since its gonna be a while before we ever see our stuff. But I found some contact paper and foam shapes for dirt cheap. Turned it into a "project" for Marin and she was so very excited. |
This is a random little area behind our garage. But it has a fence that closes it off. Not sure what it was used for before but we decided to turn it into our own little playground. I am so excited. We are going to add some mulch and down the road I would love to add a little sidwalk/stone perimeter for a "bike trail". (Saw that on Pinterest and it is so cute.) But the area is a lot bigger than it looks here. We have ordered a small, metal swing set (can't wait). But once the moving truck gets here, we can put the sand/water table in this area and maybe a little playhouse. I have found other ideas off of Pinterest too......painted stones for hopscotch, etc. |
So our girls seem to lose their clothing as the day heats up. It's pretty funny.
They seem to always be naked by bedtime. :o) |
Bye Bye wallpaper.
This was a big, nasty, messy job.
Very thankful for Burke. |
"Sanding" the chair... |
Stinker |
"Say Cheese" |
Our homemade stair safety.
Our rails are really wide....like wide enough for a little Marin to squeeze through and maybe want to walk across that ledge at the top of the stairs. MAKES ME NERVOUS. So we got some $6 pegboard and zip ties and now I sleep better. |
The yellowy/beige/creme is gone. The new color Benjamin Moore Revere Pewter.
It will cover the family room and the kitchen. I love it. (And the curtains have come down!) |
Marin loves two things at our new house.
1. the garage door
She could water the flowers all day long. |
So very sweet. |
This was another yard sale/thrift store find. Its the game Go Fish.
I love it. It is so cute and Marin has a fun time playing it.
NONE of their toys are here so we have added a few games from our "treasure hunting". They were playing with a box of tampons the other day so I figured a few little games might help a little. :o) |
And our neighbors were throwing these chairs out so I stole them. I did holler over the fence (we live in Texas now so we holler) and tell them that I was going to steal them so that I didn't look like a creepy new neighbor. But we have nothing to sit on so it helps for a temporary fix. |
Marin helped sand and paint them. :o) |
And with a couple of new cushions...tada!
They are our living room furniture right now but will go into the "playground" area once our furniture arrives. :o)
(And don't you love those chubby legs in the top left corner???) |