First, sweet Hollis is finally making some changes and perhaps preparing for her grand entrance soon! Last week, I wasn't dilated AT ALL and the ultrasound showed her all snuggled up in there sucking her thumb. It appeared that we wouldn't be meeting her anytime soon. But today I am dilated 3cm and could
possibly be induced next Thursday (if she doesn't come on her own before then). We are ready to meet this sweet baby girl!
And next....the big sister. She is so much fun! And a few photos...
She loves to get on our bed and play with my basket of "stuff". |
Tums are her favorite.
Yep, that's 2 containers. I've had a bit of heartburn this pregnancy. |
And she loves to climb up on her crib.
We are just thankful she hasn't tried to climb out of it. |
She actually really loves her crib. |
Burke was laying down and Marin needed some love from her Daddy.
So very sweet. |
1 comment:
How could she be so adorable, gorgeous, beautiful, and sweet and still look exactly like Burke?:)I love her! Love the pic of her standing on the rail of her crib. That girl's got spunk!Come on Hollis! Can't wait to see her!
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