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Friday, October 11, 2013

Cookies, Car Rides, and More October Park Days

We made Halloween cookies the other day. Hollis LOVED it. Marin did too but I was really a bit shocked at how much fun Hollis had doing it. 

Marin lined up all of her animals for a car ride. A very long car ride apparently because she played this FOREVER and just talked and talked to all of her animals. It was really cute.

And more park days....did I mention we are having some great park days??? Sorry for all the pictures.

This thing makes me so nervous. But she is so good at it and loves climbing up.
It reminds of how BIG she is getting. 

Nothing but rotten. 

This is the "I'm staring at you but don't want to do what you are telling me to do" look. 

Catching Hollis at the bottom of the slide. 

Seriously, look how big she is getting. 

This big friend was playing at the park too and Marin loved having a "big" kid push her.
I love our neighborhood. 

Watching the big girl push Marin.
She got a turn next and was in heaven. :o)

Then we went to the other park in our neighborhood...we call it the dinosaur park. The girls loved it.
The bridge.
And look at those blue jeans. :o)

Marin had on jeans too that fit her perfectly but she didn't like them and cried until I took them off.
She is becoming very opinionated about her attire. Ugh.

She had to go potty and well, she had to go in the grass.
Marin can be a bit girly girl sometimes so I wasn't sure how she was going to like going "potty in the grass".
Well, she loved it. Talked about it the whole stroller ride home. "I go pee pee in the grass." 

1 comment:

awalton said...

1. What a cute pumpkin patch! Love the fun simple things for little ones to do!
2. The skeleton cookie y'all made is scary looking.
3. We LOVE us some parks too! Go several times during the week, it's my sanity.