First of all, although WE arrived in Cabo San Lucas, my luggage did not. We were, of course, disappointed and a bit annoyed about the whole situation until we got to the resort and saw this....
and this....
and more of this. It was so beautiful that I didn't mind spendng a small fortune on a swim suit and dress to wear for the next day and half....

Fortunately my bag arrived the next day. Well, it actually arrived the first day we were there but the front desk wasn't aware that the concierge desk had it. Side note: The concierge desk is a whole 10 feet from the front desk.

Burke thoroughly enjoyed reading and listening to his podcasts. He was even sweet enough to give me a big whopping 30 seconds after each show to talk to him. That's right, ladies. He's taken.

Now for a little beach artwork. Here we are at 7 sweet.

And Burke's interpretation of what we will look like at 25 years.
I think this picture is so sweet. I could go into the symbolism in this picture of how Burke protects me in our relationship. But I can hear the vomit sounds coming from Burke so I better not. Just know that he is amazing and makes me feel loved, beautiful, and safe..thanks!
What a stud!

Burke decided to take a swim in the ocean. I learned on this trip that Burke is actually an incredible swimmer. Like he has swam for years and broke records and won championships and such. He's actually a beautiful swimmer. He gave me a few lessons but water kept going in my nose and that burns.

He had a great time but said the waves were very strong. He told me I wasn't allowed in the water because I have no swimming skills and I would drown.

Our second night the resort had a Mexican dinner theater. The people in the crowd were just as entertaining as the people in the show. We got kinda attached to some of the other guests and "people watched" the rest of the trip. Most of them were the guy that would lick his girlfriend's whole mouth before kissing her. She didn't seem to mind but it was disgusting. Then there was the opera singer and then peacock hair...well, I will stop before we look like incredibly tacky people. Yeah, the show was entertaining.

This is where we had breakfast everyday. So beautiful!

I haven't said we are cute in this we are cute.

The last day the wind got a little chilly for me. So I got cozy with some beach towels.
even if it did look like this...a big blob of pepto bismol.
Again, this made up for it all.
Fortunately my bag arrived the next day. Well, it actually arrived the first day we were there but the front desk wasn't aware that the concierge desk had it. Side note: The concierge desk is a whole 10 feet from the front desk.
Our first dinner in Cabo....Italian. (Just so you know, I have officially become anorexic...gained about 500 lbs on this trip.)
Burke thoroughly enjoyed reading and listening to his podcasts. He was even sweet enough to give me a big whopping 30 seconds after each show to talk to him. That's right, ladies. He's taken.
Now for a little beach artwork. Here we are at 7 sweet.
And Burke's interpretation of what we will look like at 25 years.
I think this picture is so sweet. I could go into the symbolism in this picture of how Burke protects me in our relationship. But I can hear the vomit sounds coming from Burke so I better not. Just know that he is amazing and makes me feel loved, beautiful, and safe..thanks!
What a stud!
Burke decided to take a swim in the ocean. I learned on this trip that Burke is actually an incredible swimmer. Like he has swam for years and broke records and won championships and such. He's actually a beautiful swimmer. He gave me a few lessons but water kept going in my nose and that burns.
He had a great time but said the waves were very strong. He told me I wasn't allowed in the water because I have no swimming skills and I would drown.
Our second night the resort had a Mexican dinner theater. The people in the crowd were just as entertaining as the people in the show. We got kinda attached to some of the other guests and "people watched" the rest of the trip. Most of them were the guy that would lick his girlfriend's whole mouth before kissing her. She didn't seem to mind but it was disgusting. Then there was the opera singer and then peacock hair...well, I will stop before we look like incredibly tacky people. Yeah, the show was entertaining.
This is where we had breakfast everyday. So beautiful!
I haven't said we are cute in this we are cute.
The last day the wind got a little chilly for me. So I got cozy with some beach towels.
too much fun!! that looks incredible and i can't believe you didn't invite me along! pepto looks good on you!!! we shall now diet together!!
"He told me I wasn't allowed in the water because I have no swimming skills and I would drown." Such a great protector! LOL
The pics look absolutely beautiful and you guys ARE cute.
I love this post. Especially the part about the 30 seconds he gave you to talk and the sunburn. A brednich vacation tradition. My Dad once got so burnt he missed 2 days of our trip sitting underneath the AC vent in our hotel room.
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