1. Sitting Up: Marin wants to be able to sit up by herself so badly. She has gotten pretty good with sitting up with the help of the Boppy pillow. She looks so cute playing with her toys.
2. Eating Cereal: Marin has had her first taste of cereal and she is a fan. I still nurse as her main form of nutrition but she was just way too aware of us eating, so we started giving her just a little for fun. And she has fun! I have made her some carrots and squash but I think I will wait until after vacation to let her eat fruits and veggies. She loves to help navigate the spoon to her mouth. Fun for her. Not fun for mom. (Video below)
3. Rolling Over: The girl is on the move. She can roll over from front to back and back to front. She can do it pretty well but after a while she wears herself out and she gets stuck on her belly and needs a bit of help. The scary part about all of this is that she will do it at night in her crib. But instead of turning her head to the side to breathe, she just smothers her face in the mattress. I watched one night and every few seconds she would lift her head to breathe. I rolled her back over on her back but she just went back to her belly with her head flat in the mattress. Uh, I can't do that. So I did the only rational thing to do and put her in the bed with me. By the way, I haven't mentioned this but I have a nighttime condition called "when my husband is away, I can go into crazy wackadoo mode and think of insane things that can happen to my baby in the middle of the night". For example, one night I just knew the humidifier was going to catch on fire. Just so you know, our humidifier like most humidifiers is filled with water. Another night, there was a black widow spider in her room that was going to crawl into her crib, unwrap the blanket she was swaddled in, and bite her. And if there is a storm, you can forget it. That kid is with her scared momma. Yes, we have started saving for the therapy she is definitely going to need because the 31 year old mother needs her 4 month old to sleep with her because she is scared. Oh dear.
4. Spitting: This is her favorite new hobby. If you need a new facial cleanser, just hold our baby.
5. Fighting Naps: Not that she has ever been a long napper, but recently she is just to busy to nap. She is very aware of everything that is going on and she DOES NOT WANT TO MISS ANYTHING!! Little miss priss....
About to spit.... |
Sitting up like a big girl! |
Spitting.... |
Playing with her toys! |
"Reading" The Foot Book |
Burke's friend Kate and Mike came to visit! I claim them as my friends now too. And if we lived
close to one another we would do so many fun projects together and spend lots of
money. Burke is thankful she lives in Wichita. |
Marin Eating Cereal for the 1st Time from
Stacey Brednich on
She kept her eyes on the bowl of cereal for most of the feeding. It was pretty funny.
Marin Eating Cereal from
Stacey Brednich on
Burke makes a comment on the video about Marin ready to drink beer. For those of you that are wondering, he was joking. Clearly, we will wait until she is 2...
I love this picture for two reasons.
1. The double chin and drool.
2. That sweet old lady gum smile! |
Marin Rolling Over from
Stacey Brednich on
This wasn't her first roll over but it is one we got on video.