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Saturday, October 15, 2011

Pumpkin Patch at Park

Today we went to a little Pumpkin Patch/Fall Festival at one of the Chicago Parks. We love the Chicago Park District! It was a perfect little fall outing for the Beluga. We picked out a pumpkin, took some pictures, rode a horse and wagon, and went to a petting zoo. They also had pumpkin decorating and face painting that we skipped but  she will probably appreciate that a lot more next year. The weather was beautiful, cool, and windy....very "fall-ish." 

Marin isn't sure why that strange man has Mommy's camera!?!?

Love these two. 

As Hollis grows, Marin gets more and more of a little seat to sit on....

Snuggling with Daddy and checking out the park on our horse and carriage ride....
I LOVE this picture. 

Meeting the horse....

Checking out the animals in the petting zoo....she was very intrigued by the animals. 

Quack Quack
Marin would do her fake cough sound every time the duck quacked.
I guess the quack sounded like a cough to her. 

LOOOOVED seeing all the animals! 

We got another (bigger) pumpkin and will carve and decorate it the week of Halloween so those mean squirrels don't eat it this year. I can't wait to see what Marin does with pumpkin goo!

1 comment:

Betsy@Living in the Moment said...

Cutest outfit ever! And I love the family pics!