So Marin is doing so much right now and we are loving every minute of her. She is definitely a busy little bee that is into everything....a little explorer, curious about it all. Here are a few things we want to remember...
- She has really started pretend playing. Her favorite is playing baby dolls. And as a girl that had a least 50 baby dolls growing up, it is so fun watching our little girl play with her baby. And she is quite a good mommy. She will feed her, stroll her, swing her, burp her. It is adorable.
- Marin can make any object a phone. She'll just put that spoon, or rattle, or toothpaste right up to her ear and talk, talk, talk.
- Talking....she says the words Mama, Dada, baby, puppy, beep beep, bite, moo, hi. She signs please and more. And if she needs help, she will point at you. :o) All in all, this girl has plenty of ways to communicate.
- She loves a fork. She will eat just about everything on her plate if she can use a fork to eat it. And she is really great at it.
- Marin loves music. Right now her favorite is probably "If You're Happy and You Know It" . But she only likes the stomp your feet part. She could stomp all day. Itsy Bitsy Spider is a close second. She has learned all the hand motions now and it is the cutest thing ever to watch her do them.
- The park is her most favorite place on earth. She knows where it is and the route we take to get there and when we turn in, she gets real excited. And if we go the opposite way, we have tears. She also knows where she lives too. And if she isn't quite ready to go home and we are going in that direction, she lets us know of her disapproval. But the swings are probably her favorite but she slides and walks the bridge a billion times as well.
- Marin loves her blankie. She lights up when we give it to her for nap time and bedtime. And she is so cute snuggling with it.
- She still has her 3-4 favorite books but she is branching out and reading other books. But all we have to do is recite one sentence of a book and she will go get the book we are talking about. Loves those books.
- Marin loves to take a shower. Whoever is taking a shower for the day, usually will have a little visitor. She will just sit in there and play in the water while we shower. She did take her first bath with little sister today. Marin was such a good little helper cleaning her. I loved it! So we have one clean little girl with all the showers and baths she takes. Loves the water.
- She LOVES dogs. If we go for a walk and she sees a dog, she SQUEALS and says puppy. Her squeal is so loud she scared one lady crossing the street with her dog. But she loves dogs. Too bad her parents are the nerds that are allergic to everything.
- The girl likes to go, go, go. If we are running an errand (even if it is to get the mail), Marin has to go. She hears the keys or sees us put on a jacket, and she knows its go time. Putting on her shoes, she gets real excited.
- Stairs. Marin could climb stairs all day long.
If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet!
The Itsy Bitsy Spider
I'm loving her hair clip. :o) |
Taking care of her baby. |
Swing, baby, swing. |
Burke loves these Minnie Mouse sunglasses on Marin. And I will admit,
it is pretty cute. She will wear them for a long time. Hilarious. |
We've been doing spring cleaning this week. (Gave away about 7 boxes in donations...woohoo!)
But we have a little dusting helper! She has to have her blankie while she cleans. :o) |
Loves going through the cabinets.
Look at that beautiful girl! |
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