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Thursday, December 20, 2012

A few December Videos....

Hollis has the funniest little "gorilla crawl". She can crawl the normal way but we think it hurts her knees so she always moves like this. Our little gorilla girl can move pretty fast too!
MVI 1726 from Stacey Brednich on Vimeo.

Hollis saying "uh oh"....
MVI 2369 from Stacey Brednich on Vimeo.

And we showed Marin a video of some kids doing the chicken dance. She loved it! And we had to play it over and over for her. Here she is doing her version.We love the toe tapping at the end!
MVI 2025 from Stacey Brednich on Vimeo.

1 comment:

Betsy@Living in the Moment said...

I love the dancing with Mickey at the end. Interesting she chose Mickey and not Burke:) Also one of the best things about this video is that I know BUrke is doing the chicken dance just 2 steps away. HIlarious!