Burke treated me to a little pre-Christmas date last night. Now, this is amazing because it is important to Burke not to skip Thanksgiving. So it was extraordinarily sweet of him to treat me to this date!!
We had lunch/dinner at the Walnut Room next to the beautiful tree.

My handsome date...(he looked
real good.....)

In front of the tree after we could not eat any more food....we were so FULL!!!

Marin's "first" picture in front of the tree. We decided to make this a little Christmas tradition.

Then we went upstairs and wrote a letter to Santa for Marin. (Sorry, for some reason the picture won't turn the correct way.)
Delivering our Santa letter!! For every letter written and mailed, one dollar is donated to the Children's hospital.

A family picture at the top of the tree. I realize that I am huge. I thought I could manage to fit into a non-maternity sweater. Hahahahha. Oopsie.

Then we looked at all the windows outside at Macy's. Each window told a part of the story, Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus....

Then to finish the date off....he took me to see A Christmas Carol at the Goodman Theatre. It was soooo good! The stages were beautiful! We both loved it!

Thank you, Burke, for a wonderful evening! I love you.
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