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Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

When Burke got his schedule last month, he was going to be away for Thanksgiving day. But last minute, he found a day trip and was able to have a Thanksgiving dinner at HOME!!
Cutting the turkey...

Our mini feast...
We had our friends Nori and Aubrey join us. Nori's husband is a pilot as well and had to work. Aubrey loved Burke and playing with the diapers....

So cute!

Here you can see her cute turkey dress!

But we did enjoy dinner and now we are looking forward to Christmas! Today we are decorating the home! Hopefully, Marin will feel the Christmas spirit and decide to make an appearance early. I have a funny feeling though that she will stay in as long as she can because she seems to be sassy like that....

1 comment:

Betsy@Living in the Moment said...

Seriously. There is something about seeing Burke with a baby that makes me cry. oh dear. Love you guys so much and so excited to hear and see what the next THREE weeks bring. Come on sweet girl we are so ready for you!