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Saturday, September 10, 2011

17 Weeks and some kicks!

Our little one on the way is growing and growing! We had an appointment on Friday and heard his or her heartbeat and everything sounds perfect! It is hard to believe, but our next visit (October 7) we will get to find out the gender of our new family addition. So very fun! We really aren't sure what we are having. During the first trimester, I would have said another girl because I was sick like Marin. And although I am still pretty sick in the 2nd trimester, I have so much more energy this go around than I did before. So....maybe a boy. :o) Either way, we are so excited and are looking forward to finding out! 

Another note for this little one....I have already felt some KICKS!! I asked the doctor if that was even possible this early and she said yes. And that most times the 2nd time around, moms feel kicks sooner. We've got another KICKER!!! :o) So good to feel you moving around in there, little one. We love you! 


awalton said...

Yay! For some reason I thought you weren't finding out... love that you are! ha! :) Glad you are getting more energy and feeling those kicks, so fun.

Sarah said...

You look great! Yay for pooch pictures again!

I absolutely love the is pretty awesome. Except when they're kicking a nerve or your bladder. But overall, awesome.