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Saturday, May 19, 2012

Our Video Stars

So here are a few videos that were on the camera. Some are a few weeks old but still cute.

Talking girl....

This is a big no no in our house but one day I stopped the swing and let big sister be in charge. She loved it! By the way, Hollis has officially outgrown the swing. It's on its way out.

And we are learning where our nose, eyes, ears, mouth are....can you tell?

I was given strict instructions not to put this on the blog but I can't help it. He is such an amazing Dad and our girls are so extremely lucky to have him.  Family, I hope you get to see it before he makes me take it off. ;o)


Betsy@Living in the Moment said...

Never ever take that video off. And if he makes you take it off find a way to sneak it into another post. I loved it.

Anonymous said...

Mimi is loving the videos-Hoping to hear Marin talking on video soon. More than your fam love your blog - My friend, Bonnie, checks it first thing every morning. She is a huge fan!