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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Road Trip

Marin and Hollis went on their first road trip this week. Unfortunately it was for a funeral in southern Illinois. But we learned rather quickly that they are still a little young for road trips. Yikes. Here are few other things we learned from the trip....

1. Hollis HATES her car seat. HATES, HATES, HATES her car seat. I mean it. She hates it. It took quite a bit of entertaining and comforting for the 5 hour drive.
2. Marin loves to SWIM. Our hotel had a pool and she is not at all afraid of the water. We've known this but she hasn't been around a swimming pool since she was around 5 months old so we didn't know if things had changed as she got older. It hasn't. When there is any type of water around, we have to be on CODE RED ALERT because this girl will jump right on it. Makes this momma very nervous. Swim lessons here we come.
3. Marin isn't afraid of dogs AT ALL. It can bark, jump, lick and she will laugh, laugh, laugh. Again, we are going to have to figure out a way to teach her to be somewhat cautious so she doesn't go up to a strange dog and get bitten! But it is so much fun to see her SQUEAL with joy every time she sees a dog.

And a few pictures....

Singing songs and playing with her butterfly! 

Nap time. 

So cute.
(We did fix her car seat straps.)

A happy moment....

Doodle-y Doo change number 64.
I think she kept doodling so she could get out of the carseat. :o)

Marin needed a turn driving. 

Swimming with Daddy.

She had a blast. 
The nervous mother found this little life jacket/swim school
safety suit thing. We hope to take her swimming a LOT this summer
to get her used to the water and help teach her a little bit more. 

We were packing up and getting ready when I looked over on the bed and saw
the girls lined up perfectly on the bed.
It just looked funny to me. :o)

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

I didn't know you guys went to the funeral...

I had to laugh that you added (we did fix her carseat straps) because I noticed them as I strolled through the pics - the Mom safety in me I guess....gotta keep those straps tight because as the fire marshall told us on his safety speech when we were getting ready for Reece's arrival - most parents leave them way way too lose and in a hard impact accident the child can fly right out. Ugh.

Cute Marin in the pool!