The big attraction was Sue. The biggest skeleton remains of a T-rex.

There were tons of animals and then tons of animals.
After the Field Museum we went and saw the musical Million Dollar Quartet. It was so much fun!! We loved the music from Elvis, Johnny Cash, Jerry Lee Lewis, and Carl Perkins. Again, so much fun. (Mom and Mary Beth, you guys have to see it. You will love it!)
And there's more. Because I have the greatest most spectacular husband in the world, he got me this....
Look at all those fun stitches!!!!
A little sewing machine history: I have used the same sewing machine since middle school. It survived many moves, but the move to Austin was its last. I finally had to get rid of it and get a new one. So I did. Then the next day my car broke down and I just couldn't keep my new sewing machine when I had car repairs, so I returned it. I have waited (somewhat) patiently for this day!!!
This is what the lady lets us do in the store to try it out.
This is what the lady lets us do in the store to try it out.
And this was our first joint effort sewing project. I think Burke may actually like sewing. I'm not sure if I am allowed to post that on the blog, but he is just as fascinated as I am with all the cool buttons and stitches that it can do.
Don't look too closely because we ran into some bobbin issues. I got frustrated and Burke ran and hid from me. But we managed to finish something. I do get to go to a free sewing class on Thursday so I can make sure I know what all it can do and we can really get our money's worth! It is supposed to last a lifetime! Yay!!! I can't wait for more projects. Now, if I could only finish graduate many better things to be doing!!!
You crack me up.
And I couldn't even sew a button onto a shirt if my life depended on it.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, FRIEND! I'm glad you had a fantastic day.
That is one awesome machine! I am a little jealous in a nerdy sewing way! Can't wait to see what you do! love you.
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