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Saturday, July 3, 2010

More Taste of Chicago

Burke and I had some Taste tickets leftover from Friday so we decided to save them until today. The Steve Miller Band was performing today so Burke really wanted to go see them. I, of course, had never heard of him. But I am a music idiot. It was a lot of fun and very, very hot. Unfornately we both are a little red tonight.

Here we are in front of the Buckingham Fountain.

At the concert, people watching was just as much fun as the show.
Here we have Billy Ray Cyrus' Asian cousin. Loved. the. mullet. And there were about two other mullets we tried to sneak pictures of but they kept sitting down. Lots of mullets.

Ok, this guy was probably 17 and his dance moves were hilarious. Now, I can say hilarious because I have zero dancing capabilities....can't even clap on rhythm. I am pathetic in whole different category. But this kid was having the time of his life and his dancing was a mixture of the funky chicken and gangster rapper moves. Very entertaining.

And this was our view. The lovely ladies there in the photo wanted to protect themselves from the sun the entire show. Needless to say, there was a lot of yelling at them. But still...the umbrella stayed up.

Fun, fun day! Now where's the aloe vera?

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