1. She is a sloppy eater. See milk picture below.
2. She likes to doodle a lot...especially while she's eating and right after we have changed her diaper. And they are LOUD!
3. When she is sleepy, you could throw her in a tornado and she will not wake up.
4. She's hiding acorns in her cheeks.
5. She likes to party at 5:30 am.
6. She does not like to be dirty. If there is one drop in her diaper, she will let you know. Her hiney is too precious to be in anything gross.
7. She likes her arms up when she sleeps. See picture below. And she prefers to be on her side but we don't let her do that.
8. She likes her boppy pillow and tummy time. She can tolerate her swing and bouncy seat but they aren't her favorite.
9. Grunting is her main form of communication right now. She saves the crying for special occasions.
10. She is very, very LOVED.
Now for some pictures:
She had a bad hair day today. Yes, she scratched her face. Yes, I've filed her nails again.
Her favorite sleep position. Look at those rolls on her left arm. Too cute.
Loving her boppy. She could listen to you talk all day....
A little milk drool...every. single. feeding.
Love it! Love all of it. The year in review was awesome. Love you all!
too cute! love the bad hair. audrey's hair is getting a bit on the crazy side. miss you and hope to talk to you soon.
Logan was (and is) such a messy eater. There was NO WAY I could ever nurse in public. We were both soaked at the end of each feeding. And Emma spit up constantly. I have spent 4 years damp.
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